As Americans, we work so hard to be successful but the Road to Success is not smoothly paved and replete with perfectly-placed road signs informing us what to do, exactly where to go or how to get there.
Becoming successful is not guaranteed, but in America each of us has the opportunity to go for our dreams. Every American, women and men, of any race or belief has the chance to build the life they want. That is our God-given right as Americans, for each and every one of us.
Far more often than not, as each American attempts to build a successful and fulfilling life, they trip, fall or get nearly-crushed along the way to their success. And, given each American's unique set of life circumstances, sometimes a person abandons their select dream and decides to do something more realistic for them.
To be clear, there is no shame in that whatsoever. In fact, creating a good life is the very definition of a successful American. It's great.
However, when pursuing your one, true singular career choice that you deeply desire the most, then you have no other option but to adjust, adapt and learn from every available resource. As you trek up and down the unpredictable road to success, it will be fun, scary, bumpy, difficult, and heartbreaking.
But, don't operate in fear.
Instead, remain aware, positive, humble and flexible. Things change big time beyond our control, but building your dream life is very attainable. Constructing the life that you truly want will be the hardest thing you ever do, and also the most rewarding.
If you enjoy the tough journey and the people you meet along the way, rest assured that the odds are in your favor to succeed.
Remember...limits exist only in your mind.
Go for it.
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