
Monday, January 25, 2021

Should the Student-Athletes in California be Allowed to Play Sports? Yes Indeed...

Respectfully, as a follow-up to my July 8th, 2020 blog article about navigating the path forward in terms of allowing student-athletes in California to play sports...

It is with the utmost respect and caring for every person that has been affected by the COVD-19 pandemic and for those that have lost loved ones, that I humbly offer my support for allowing more than 800,000 female and male student-athletes in the CIF to participate within their respective sport(s) of choice.

Specifically, as to letting those student-athletes that wish to do so, the opportunity to play the game of football within the mitigated CIF guidelines. It would be wonderful for our state's decision-makers to further collaborate with their peers overseeing the approx. 40 states that have successfully completed their respective football seasons; many of which that are now planning for their upcoming 2021 seasons. 

Where there is a will, there can be found a way to overcome the significant obstacles ahead in the coming months. I have great faith that the key people leading our great state of California will surely find a way to get those kids back in the game and playing their favorite sports once again.

By all of us working together = the kids will win!

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